Adopted by the Southbank Owners Association

CHAIRWOMEN: Nancy Waite 620-0070


1. Non-resident immediate family members may use the Recreation Center unaccompanied by an owner. All other guests must be accompanied by an owner and owners will be responsible for their guests' actions. Facilities are not for the public, but for all owners.

2. Wheeled vehicles must be parked in the parking area (Bicycles and such included).

3. Vandalism, damaging or removing equipment is in violation of the rules. Report such action to any owner.

4. The By-Laws of the Southbank Owners Association, Inc. are a part of these Rules and Regulations and will be the enforcing means. These rules will be posted on each Clubhouse door.

SWIMMING POOL AREA: (Pool, Walkway around pool and Cabana)

The Pool was designed and built for lap swimming and exercise. Please allow swimmers a lane.

1. The pool hours are 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

2. Owners and guests are to be aware that no lifeguard is on duty.

3. The use of nets or tire tubes is prohibited when other swimmers are present. Large flotation devices will restrict the space of other people and are prohibited.

4. No glass containers are permitted in the pool area. No food or drinks are permitted in the pool.

5. Children under 12 must have adult supervision.

6. Cabana restrooms to be used by pool-side patrons.

7. Group use of more than 6 (other than family) is prohibited.

8. Group parties of up to 20 are allowed only if they are scheduled through a chairperson. Parties may be held only on Monday through Thursday and must be completed by 9:00 p.m. Pool area parties of over 20 are not allowed.


1. Parental or guardian supervision is required for all children under 16. No minor may bring a guest without parental supervision. Exception: Ages 13 through 16 may use the Fitness Room without parental supervision if their parents have provided a letter certifying that child has been properly trained in the use of the Universal Equipment and such letter is posted in the Fitness Room with a copy to the Secretary.

2. Not available for reservations.

3. Instruction manuals on use of equipment is mandatory for your safety.

4. No food or drinks are permitted.

5. Doors are to be kept locked at all times.

6. Courtesy to others while equipment is in use is appreciated by all.


1. Courts shall be used for tennis only.

2. Children under 12 permitted on courts only with adult supervision.

3. Tennis footwear limited to rubber-soled court shoes(no black soles).

4. Limit play to one set when others are waiting.

5. Play doubles when both courts are being used and other players are waiting.

6. For drinks, use fountain in Cabana area or bring thermos or any unbreakable container.


1. Use of Clubhouse by reservation by owners only and must be scheduled through a clubhouse chairperson. Office and Fitness Center are not included in reservations.

2. Persons in bathing attire are not permitted except in Fitness Center.

3. Owners reserving the Clubhouse facility will be held responsible for clean-up.

4. No furniture may be taken outside with the exception of folding tables and chairs.



Southbank Manager: Gail Large
Copyright© 2001 Southbank Residential Subdivision.  All rights reserved.
Web Design and Management by: Shanon Morris
Last updated: 04/28/2001